Product Description
Once you purchase the original design for $65, you are also agreeing to pay a $10/month ongoing fee for the domain (url) and web hosting. You can cancel anytime.
This one page Younique presenter mobile-friendly website. It includes an easy-to-edit back end that you will use to upload your own images, links, video and change text. The style of the website is a very modern responsive design and includes the official Younique colors.
In the comments section when you checkout please copy and paste the following details:
1. Your top 3 domain(URL) choices in order of importance (Example of top choice) (Example of 2nd choice) (Example or 3rd choice)
2. Your links to your active social media pages for the bottom of the site
Facebook: (Example)
3. Type: “I have read the entire listing and understand that in addition to the $65 website charge I will be invoiced $10 monthly for my domain and hosting”
4. Your name
5. Your email address
That’s it!! Once we have this information from you we can load your site and it will become live within 2-4 business days.
Sections included in the website:
The site is mobile friendly. It will be responsive meaning it will automatically adjust to different mobile devices for viewing and editing.
—Featured image at the top of your site
—About You
Includes a photo you upload and a text area
—Favorite Products
List from one up to six product images
Images include a title
Images are “clickable” and can be linked to your Younique website or any other website
—Youtube Video
Includes one embedded video from youtube
—Customer Testimonials
List customer testimonials from customer feedback you have personally received about the products
—Contact Form
Allows customers to request more information
—Social Network Links to your Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc
You can include the links to your active social networks
Here is a live version of the website that you are purchasing:
****Once you purchase the original design for $65, you are also agreeing to pay a $10/month ongoing fee for the domain (url) and web hosting.***
You will receive the $10 monthly fee through an invoice received in your email. Failure to pay the $10 monthly fee will result in you losing your domain and hosting and your website will be taken down.
Questions and Answers:
Why do I have to list 3 domains in the comments?
Some domains are already purchased by someone else and may not be available for use. We will do our best to get you the domain you want, but please be aware that we do not have control over what domains have already been purchased.
Why can’t I start editing my website right away?
After a domain is purchased it takes 24-72 hours to become active. Then we can set up hosting. Once the domain is active and hosting is set up we will notify you that your website is live and you can begin adding content. Your website will be active within 2-4 business days after you make the purchase.
Why do I have to pay a $10 Monthly Fee?
This $10 fee is for your domain and hosting fees.
What is Hosting?
Every website owner has to pay for hosting so that their website is accessible via the World Wide Web. Hosting is a reoccurring service and therefore receives a reoccurring fee as long as the website is up.
What is a Domain?
A domain is the rental of the url or web address to your website. This rental is a reoccurring service and therefore receives a reoccurring fee as long as the website is up.
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